Ashley Benton, "Zibby Girl" |
1) Misconception: Buying art from galleries in major art centers like New York or Los Angeles is better than buying locally, even when the artists they show don't live or work in those major art centers.
Reality: The best art by an artist can be found at galleries anywhere, not only at galleries in major art centers. Often, an artist's best work can be found at galleries in or near the cities where they live-- especially if those artists have solid regional reputations, and especially if they're loyal to their most longstanding dealers (which many artists are).
2) Misconception: Collectors shouldn't trust their own instincts about art they like. They should check with third parties like spouses or close friends before they buy in order to make sure everyone approves of their choices.
Reality: Do you want to build your own collection or build it by consensus? Having conviction about what you buy is what successful art collecting is all about. You can't necessarily satisfy everyone around you, but you can always satisfy yourself. Standing behind every work of art that you own and being able to defend it to anyone who has doubts or questions about it is essential to establishing your reputation as a respected and committed collector.
Barbara Groh "Crosscurrent" |
3) Misconception: Art is an investment that increases in value over time.
Reality: Yes, art is an investment, not necessarily from a monetary perspective, but rather an investment in your quality of life. As to whether it will go up in value over time, some art does and some art doesn't. What always appreciates in value, though, is the satisfaction and enjoyment that you'll take in owning it, assuming you didn't buy it for investment purposes only.
Irene Delka McCray, "A Single Incident" |
4) Misconception: Anyone can tell the difference between good art and bad art just like gallery owners and other art professionals can regardless of how much time they've spent learning about and looking at art.
Reality: No way. The ability to recognize quality and significance in art is not innate and acquiring a discerning eye takes time, education, training and practice. Hardly anything beats looking at and discussing art firsthand with experienced art world professionals like gallery owners, for example. Director and Owner, Sandra Phillips is a well- respected Art Historian who loves sharing her extensive knowledge with you. The Sandra Phillips Gallery is a great place to learn how to look at and evaluate art, and cultivating these skills is an invaluable experience.
Written by Artbusiness.com To read more: http://www.artbusiness.com/buy-collect-art-from-galleries-how-to.html