303 573 5969 | 420 W 12th Ave | Denver, Colorado 80204 | sandraphillipsgallery@hotmail.com | thesandraphillipsgallery.com |. Facebook

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Introducing Artist Virginia Folkestad

The Sandra Phillips Gallery is honored to add Virginia Folkestad to our acclaimed stable of artists.    She  is truly one of Colorado’s most inventive and provocative sculptural installation artists, creating visually engaging experiences of object and material.  Her work appeals to both emotional and intellectual sensibilities often exploring the intersections of culture and nature.  She created the playful viewer-activated light installation “Current Cubed (Current3)” commissioned for the historic pedestrian Manny’s Bridge in LoDo 14th and Wynkoop, one of Denver’s most popular evening attractions, embracing the present and past history of LoDo.

Manny's Bridge, 14th and Wynkoop


Untitled" aluminum mesh, Cable 

Virginia Folkestad was named Top Installation Artist by Mary Chandler Rocky Mountain News and Folkestad is twice the recipient of Colorado Council on the Arts Fellowship in the Visual Arts.

    "Shhh" detail, poplar, graphite, thermoplastic, steel

   "Drift" detail, aluminum mesh 

 Check out our hours here: www.thesandraphillipsgallery.com or call 303-573-5969 to make appointment.